There were 1763 Sales and 8286 Active Listings representing 4.7 Months of Inventory. I expect inventory to explode upwards in the next few months and the months of inventory to be above 6.0 by October. There is a very strong correlation between the Months of Inventory and Quarterly Price Changes.
Median Price of a detached house was $485,000.00
Median Price of an apartment was $212,000.00
Median Price of a townhouse was $310,000.00
House Price Index of 220.3
9.3% Year over year increase in prices
2.2% quarterly increase in prices
1.3% month over month increase in prices
This chart represents the past data and my future expectations if inventory shoots up and sales drop off substaintially. If inventory is stable and sales are strong then my expectations are out the window!
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