Saturday, July 31, 2010
Tax Cuts, Tax Hikes, It's All Relative
More on the ADA’s 20th Anniversary
From Cato's Walter Olson
Happy Birthday Milton Friedman, July 31
Classic 30-minute video of Milton Friedman in 1975 (transcript here) discussing the minimum wage, Social Security, politics, the Welfare State, doing good by spending other people's money, housing, rent control, government intervention and the Great Depression, collectivism, the free society, greed, private charity.
The Gradual Decline in Presidential Approval
The chart above displays the consensus of presidential approval/disapproval polls from Pollster, showing a new record -5% gap between average approval of 45.1% and an average disapproval of 50.1%.
Friday, July 30, 2010
U.S. Economic Expansion Stronger Over Last 4 Quarters Than Following the Last Two Recessions
1. Steep decline in GDP growth raises alarms,
2. US recovery loses steam,
3. Double-dip feared as US economic growth loses pace, and
4. The closer you look at the GDP report, the uglier it gets, etc.
But how does GDP growth in this recovery (assuming the recovery started in third quarter of 2009) over the last four quarters (1.6%, 5%, 3.7% and 2.4%) compare to output growth in the four quarters following the last two recessions in 1990-1991 and 2001? Pretty good actually, see the graph above showing real GDP growth in the one-year periods (four quarters) following the last three recessions.
Sure, real GDP growth has slowed from 5% to 3.7% to 2.4% over the last three quarters, but following the 2001 recession real GDP slowed even more, from 3.5% to 2.1% to 2% to 0.1%. And looking at the average growth over the four quarters following the last three recessions, the average 3.18% real GDP growth over the last year was higher than the 1.93% following the 2001 recession and higher than the 2.63% following the 1990-1991 recession. Keep in mind that the economic recovery that started in 1991 was the longest (120 months) and strongest economic expansion in the history of the U.S.
So what about a headline like "U.S. economic expansion stronger now than at the beginning of the last two recoveries?"
Thursday, July 29, 2010
How Real Estate Investors Invest Part 2
link to spreadsheet (Note there is a bug with google spreadsheets; Click refresh if you get an annoying popup window and avoid dragging your mouse over the "anyone with the link" link. Should be fixed soon I hope.)
This is an actual real-life building in the GTA. We have the following inputs:
Purchase Price = $528,800
Closing Costs = $1,000
Deferred Maintenance (Renovations) = $0
Rent = 5 units totaling $3725/month

Taxes = $4759/yr
Insurance + Utilities* = $4974/yr
Property management** = 8% of revenue
Building maintenance = 10% of revenue
Vacancy allowance = 5% of revenue
TOTAL = $1668/month
* Rent includes utilities
** Property management fees can be a few % higher in Vancouver
NOI = Revenue-Expenses = $2057
Cap rate = NOI/Purchase Price = 4.7%
GRM = Purchase Price/Revenue = 11.82 (price/monthly rent = 142)
Here the investor is putting 30% down and assuming a 5% mortgage interest rate. With these numbers the mortgage payments just cover the NOI and is cash flow neutral, which is the goal of this particular investor.
Here we see the investor requires 30% down and 5% mortgage rate to make this property cash flow neutral. Also note the investor does not consider capital appreciation when determining the investment's value; it's all about the cash flow at what they consider to be a sustainable financing rate.
We can see right away the impact of lower mortgage rates on these investors' criteria for a cash flow positive property. They have no earnings, at least initially, save debt repayments. In time, the investor assumes, the rents will increase with inflation and start producing positive cash flow.
After some years there will be some added expenses as the building starts aging. This is partly, but not completely, accounted for in the 10% gross rent maintenance allowance. Significant overhauls may be necessary from time to time and this is accounted for through depreciation allowances, usually a few % of the purchase price on a geometric schedule. Though the spreadsheet does not explicitly cover this, one can expect in time some of the free cash flow to be diverted to capital replacement.
Also for consideration is the 5% assumed mortgage rate. Certainly in today's climate mortgage rates could easily stay at or below this level for some time. I have no doubt some investors are using even lower rates (even variable rates!) when calculating their monthly cash flow. Food for thought, though, that rates this low are borderline deflationary. It is unclear if the projected rental increases will be as large as anticipated if rates remain low.
With this in mind, there is a box at the bottom of the spreadsheet for calculating purchase price for a given cap rate. That is (at least in theory), an investment with revenues that generally track inflation should not vary their present value when inflation changes, therefore the cap rate will stay constant. What cap rate would be considered acceptable? Well the "acceptable" number used by this investor is 8% for that particular property, putting an acceptable purchase price in the area of $308,600. Food for thought.
So there you have it. A real-life example of a cursory analysis of a potential real estate investment. Certainly there is a ton more to consider when evaluating a particular property's investment viability but, following this investor's philosophy for what it's worth, having these numbers work on a particular property (at whatever values one considers acceptable) should warrant some additional investigation. Otherwise, it's probably best to spend one's efforts elsewhere.
From the "You Just Can't Make This Stuff Up" File: ADA vs. Chipotle; Happy 20th Birthday ADA
"The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled this week that customers in wheelchairs are being denied the full "Chipotle experience" of watching their food being prepared because Chipotle's 45-inch counters are too high."
LAX Freight Traffic Back to Pre-Recession Level

Warren Buffett's Favorite Economic Indicator - Weekly Rail Traffic - Maintains Steady Pace
Intermodal traffic totaled 230,443 trailers and containers, up 19.2 percent from the same week a year ago and down only 2.1 percent compared with 2008. Compared with the same week in 2009, container volume increased 21.1 percent and trailer volume rose 9.3 percent. Compared with the same week in 2008, container volume increased 6.4 percent and trailer volume dropped 33.4 percent.
Fifteen of the 19 carload commodity groups increased from the comparable week in 2009. Those groups posting the most significant gains were metallic ores, up 56.3 percent; metals and products, up 31.2 percent; motor vehicles and equipment, up 29 percent; and farm products excluding grain, up 25.8 percent. Farm products excluding grain, up 5.6 percent, was the only commodity group to post an increase over 2008 levels."
Americans Cut Back on Visits to the Doctor, But Increase Visits to Retail Health Clinics by 36%
Insured Americans are using fewer medical services, raising questions about whether patients are consuming less health care as they pick up a greater share of the costs. Doctor visits have declined each month this year, including a 7.6% drop in May 2010 from May 2009.Well, maybe it's not really so unusual based on this report "MinuteClinic visits up 36% in Q2":
The drop in usage is showing up as health-care companies report financial results. Insurers, lab-testing companies, hospitals and doctor-billing concerns say that patient visits, drug prescriptions and procedures were down in the second quarter from year-ago levels.
"People just aren't using health-care like they have," said Wayne DeVeydt, WellPoint Inc.'s chief financial officer, in an interview Wednesday. "Utilization is lower than we expected, and it's unusual."
Fewer physician visits have contributed to a lift in visits to MinuteClinic as patients look for convenient and cost-effective access to healthcare services.Bottom Line: Consumers aren't necessarily consuming less health care like the WSJ suggests; rather, they are shifting their demand for health care away from expensive, conventional physician offices with limited hours to affordable and convenient retail clinics. Especially when consumers are spending their own out-of-pocket money for health care and they have a choice, they prefer market-driven, consumer-driven options like affordable, convenient retail clinics over conventional physician offices.
"Recent reports by IMS have indicated that fewer people are visiting doctors. We see this data on the fourth quarter versus the first quarter of this year, and we are expecting to see the same in the second quarter," said Tom Ryan, chairman and CEO of CVS Caremark. "Patients are visiting fewer primary care doctors and specialists. Obviously, the sluggish economy and continued high unemployment has impacted peoples' ability to afford physician visits."
Clearly, this trend, coupled with MinuteClinic's expansion of service offerings and increased awareness, has helped drive the MinuteClinic business, as people in need of convenient and affordable health care take advantage of MinuteClinic's portfolio of roughly 500 clinics in 25 states and the District of Columbia.
MinuteClinic visits rose 36% during the second quarter. "We believe that MinuteClinic's strong growth reflects our expansion of services and the improved awareness around our clinical offerings," Ryan said.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Teranet House Price Index - May 2010
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JULY 2010 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Since market conditions have been loosening across Canada - from April to June of this year, the number of existing homes sold declined much faster than the number of new listings - it is too early to conclude that the relatively vigorous prices rises of April and May mark the beginning of a trend. The prospect of harmonized sales taxes coming into effect July 1 in Ontario and B.C. may have had the effect of pushing up sales in Vancouver, Toronto and Ottawa in the preceding months. Teranet – National Bank House Price Index™The historical data of the Teranet – National Bank House Price Index™ is available at
The Teranet–National Bank House Price Index™ is estimated by tracking observed or registered home prices over time using data collected from public land registries. All dwellings that have been sold at least twice are considered in the calculation of the index. This is known as the repeat sales method; a complete description of the method is given at
Global Economy's Remarkable Recovery: World Trade Projected to Expand by 8.1% This Year
"Global trade along virtually every trade route has shown a remarkable recovery from the 2007–09 recession. Despite some commentators' views that global trade volumes would not recover to their earlier levels before 2013 at the earliest, we are seeing what appears to be a sustained recovery in trade since late 2009 through at least the middle of 2010.
International trade volumes are forecasted to increase in line with the recovery in demand. World trade by all modes (airborne, seaborne, and overland) declined 7.2% in 2009. As the economy improves through the middle of 2010, total world trade is forecasted to grow 8.1%, followed by 6.9% growth in 2011.
Containerized trade volumes at the global level are forecast to reach nearly 10.0 percent, with a slightly stronger recovery – 10.6 percent -- on the mainline East-West trade lanes in 2010, before slowing over the next two years. While trade growth is projected into 2011 and beyond, the pace is expected to be slower than in 2010. However, 2010 and 2011 will be banner years relative to the hardship the container industry faced in 2008 and 2009 with 3% and -8% growth on TEU volumes, respectively.
Dry bulk commodity shipment tonnage, which includes grain, iron ore, and coal, will increase 10.3 percent in 2010 and 8.7 percent in 2011."
Kerry Was Right: Dodging Yacht Tax Was Rational
"No one should be taking pride or pleasure in having railroaded Kerry into forking over $500,000 he likely never owed. I’m no fan of the senator, but he showed good sense in seeking to keep his taxes low. If only he would do the same for the rest of us."
Mpls. Orthopedics Clinics Battle It Out; Consumer-Driven Health Care That's "Better, Faster, Cheaper"
"For years, anybody who pulled, twisted, sprained or broke some part of their body would show up at the emergency room. There, they'd often wait hours as more critical cases -- heart attacks or strokes -- leapfrogged ahead in line.
Then they'd go home with an appointment to come back and see an orthopedic surgeon anytime from three days to three weeks out.
In 2005, TRIA Orthopaedic Center in Bloomington, MN pioneered the idea of a free-standing orthopedic facility, with day surgery, clinic and physical therapy space, as well as the ability to do medical research. The goal was "better, faster, cheaper," said Dr. Marc Swiontkowski, one of the physician founders.
TRIA, which lost money in its early years but is now profitable, also introduced early on the idea of a walk-in acute injury clinic. It recently expanded its evening and weekend hours for the clinic to cater to injured high-school athletes and weekend warriors. The acute injury clinic has seen more than 12,000 patients so far this year -- 2,100 of them in June alone. Knee pain is the most common complaint, followed by foot and ankle pain."
MP: In addition to seeing thousands of patients each month, TRIA is also now seeing something else - some new competition from Twin Cities Orthopedics, just opened a new facility in Edina, MN that offers same-day appointments and urgent care in the evenings and weekends. Read more here about how market competition and consumer-driven health care can bring down costs, improve the quality of care, and dramatically increase convenience with evening and weekend hours.
Funding Electric Vehicles is a Battery-Dead Idea

Can a bunch of technocrats in Washington really make better decisions than free consumers in the marketplace? No economic or scientific case exists for subsidizing the electric vehicle. The government should remain technology-neutral. Subsidies hinder the ability of free enterprise to innovate and develop other advanced auto technologies like the hydrogen fuel cell. The right way to create a diverse market for advanced technologies is to limit government involvement and introduce real tax reforms.
Government subsidies serve only to tilt the playing field and constrain the market's ability to operate. They are not in America's best interests. Funding electric vehicles is a battery-dead idea.
~From my article in the Sacramento Bee
International Air Travel Shows Continuing Strength in June; Volumes are Above Pre-Recession Levels
1. Passenger volumes are now 1-2% above the pre-recession peak in the first quarter of 2008.
2. Freight volumes remain 6% above the pre-recession peak in early 2008.
3. “The industry continues to recover faster than expected, but with sharp regional differences. Europe is recovering at half the speed of Asia with passenger growth of 7.8% compared to the 15.5% growth in Asia-Pacific,” said Giovanni Bisignani, IATA’s Director General and CEO.
Outside of Europe, all regions reported double-digit growth in passenger traffic. “The question is how long can the industry maintain the double-digit momentum. Business confidence remains high and there is no indication that the recovery will stall any time soon. But, with government stimulus packages tailing off and restocking largely completed, we do expect some slowing over the months ahead,” said Bisignani.
MP: For both May and June, passenger and freight traffic have reached volumes that are above the pre-recession levels. It's also interesting that the strongest improvements in both passenger and freight growth have been in Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Latin America, while growth in North America and Europe have lagged behind. But it's good news that international air travel has rebounded strongly, and passenger travel and freight volumes are now both above their pre-recession peaks.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Trucking Tonnage Falls in June But Remains 7.6% Above June Last Year
On a 12-month basis, trucking activity looks a little better:
"Compared with June 2009, SA tonnage climbed 7.6 percent, which was just below May’s 7.7 percent increase and the seventh consecutive year-over-year gain. Year-to-date, tonnage is up 6.6 percent compared with the same period in 2009."
MP: There have been some signs of a slowdown in the strength of the economic expansion in May and June (including the Richmond and Chicago Fed releases today on manufacturing activity in those regions), and the trucking tonnage index decrease in June probably helps to confirm that. But we should also keep in mind that manufacturing has been leading the economic recovery, and some uneven "starts and stops" in the economic recovery are to be expected.
Michigan Economic Activity Index; Fifth Straight Monthly Double-Digit Increase in June
"Comerica Bank’s Michigan Economic Activity Index rose one point in June, to a level of 84. June’s reading is up 13 points from the same period a year ago, marking the fifth consecutive double-digit increase in the Index, on a 12-month basis. Year-to-date, the Index is up nine points, or 12.4 percent, from the average for all of 2009. The May Index was unrevised from a level of 83."
“Our Index ticked up for the second month in a row, to a level that matches the March cyclical peak,” said Dana Johnson, Chief Economist at Comerica Bank. “Continued strength in motor vehicle and steel production counteracted drags from housing and consumer spending. Paralleling the national recovery, production variables remain the key driver to the Michigan recovery, with housing and employment lagging. Broad-based moderate gains in the national economy over the second half of the year should help generate an increasingly widespread recovery in Michigan, including moderate job growth.”
MP: Even Michigan's economy is gradually coming back.
ASA Staffing Index Shows Ongoing Strength: 28th Consecutive Weekly Gain vs. Same Week Last Year
The ongoing gains in the ASA Staffing Index in every week this year shows that the demand for temporary and contract employment continues to strengthen, which should hopefully translate eventually into more broad-based, permanent job creation.
Early Signs of a Hotel Rebound
"The hotel industry in the United States appears to be rebounding this summer, mainly because of strengthening business travel."
Add this to Larry Kudlow's Optimism Checklist.
Shipping Rates for Hong Kong to LA Reach Five-Year Highs: Retailers Are Expecting Higher Sales
NY Times -- "Fighting for freight, retailers are outbidding each other to score scarce cargo space on ships, paying two to three times last year’s freight rates — in some cases, the highest rates in five years. And still, many are getting merchandise weeks late.
The fight for space means many retailers are expecting higher sales, which is a glimmer of good news. And air carriers are picking up some last-minute shipments from desperate retailers; FedEx reported on Monday that it expected increased earnings for its first quarter, ending next month.
The cost of shipping a 40-foot container from Hong Kong to Los Angeles without a contract, or the spot rate, was about $871 in July 2009, a five-year low. This month, that spot rate reached $2,624, a five-year high. That exceeded even the cost before the recession, which was about $2,000."
Case-Shiller Home Price Indexes Up in May
On a monthly basis, 19 of the 20 metro areas and both composite indexes increased in May from April, by 1.2% for the Composite-10 index and 1.3% for the Composite-20 index. Commentary from Standard and Poors follows:
“While May’s report on its own looks somewhat positive, a broader look at home price levels over the past year still do not indicate that the housing market is in any form of sustained recovery,” says David M. Blitzer, Chairman of the Index Committee at Standard & Poor’s. “Since reaching its recent trough in April 2009, the housing market has really only stabilized at this lower level. The two Composites have improved between 5 and 6% since then, but this is no better than the improvement they had registered as of October 2009. The last seven months have basically been flat.”
“The May 2010 data for 15 of the 20 MSAs and the two Composites show an improvement in annual returns compared to April’s report. With the month-over-month data, while 19 of the 20 MSAs and the two Composites were positive, we are in a strong seasonal period for home prices, so that was largely expected. In addition, there may still be some residual impact from the homebuyers’ tax credit, since they affect any purchase that closes through June 30th 2010. We need to watch where the housing markets will go after these temporary stimuli go away. June’s existing and new home sales and housing starts data do not show much real improvement in those statistics either. It still looks possible that the housing market might bounce along the bottom for the foreseeable future, before showing any real improvement that will filter through to the rest of the economy.”
Monday, July 26, 2010
Metro Vancouver Rental and Ownership Data
In the latter link there is a presentation entitled Metro Vancouver Housing Data Book (PDF) that contains some wonderful demographic and affordability data that make authors of a housing analysis blog drool. A few key points made in this presentation:
- The median owner income of $69,318 is equal to approximately 125% of the median household income for the region.
- Based on the median income of $69,318, an “affordable housing cost” is equal to $1,733 per month using the standard that housing should not cost more than 30% of a household's gross annual income.
- In 2006, there were 817,230 households in Metro Vancouver; 531,725 (65%) were owners and 285,045 (35%) were renters.
- 21% (59,275) of renter households had annual incomes above $45,000. This fits the general definition of moderate and above income (above 80% of the regional median income). Of these households, 11% (31,220) had incomes between $70,000-$100,000, and 7% (19,975) had incomes above $100,000.
- Region wide, 39% (314,780) of all households had an annual income of $70,000 or above, of which 84% (262,035) were home owners and 16% (51,195) were renters. 20% (106,030) of owner households had annual incomes between $70,000-$100,000, and 29% (156,000) had incomes above $100,000.
- Of the 285,045 renter households in 2006, approximately 37% were accommodated in the 104,952 purpose-built apartment rental units counted by CMHC. The remaining rental stock is predominately non-market rentals, private condominium rentals, and rented single detached and other ground-oriented units
- The Statistics Canada Censuses shows that between 1991 and 2006 the total number of households increased from 609,380 to 817,035. For this period, as a percentage of the total housing inventory, apartment households increased from 34% (208,225) to 40% (321,970), while single detached households declined from 50% (302,120) to 35% (288,320).
- Data reported from CMHC shows that for Metro Vancouver for the period from 1999 to 2008 (10 years), average apartment rents increased from $725 to $937, an increase of 31% or 2.7% per year.
- During this same 10 year period for Metro Vancouver, according to the BC Stats Consumer Price Index, general prices increased by 20% or 1.8% per year on average.
- During this same 10 year period for British Columbia, according to BC Stats, average wages increased by 24% or 2.2% per year on average.
- Overall for the period, the average wage increase was greater than the general price increase, but lower than the average apartment rent increase.
- Metro Vancouver estimates that there are 69,200 - 75,500 secondary suites in the region. This represents approximately 22% to 24% of the total rental households (318,000) in 2009. [jesse: note the secondary suite accounting is all over the map. It is in many ways the proverbial "dark matter" of the city's housing market.]
- The average rent for a one bedroom secondary suite was $730, 20% ($189) less than the average rent in a conventional apartment building. The average rent for a two bedroom secondary suite was $862, 26% ($307) less than the average rent in a conventional apartment building.
Put Your Rally Caps Back On: FIve Reasons the Long-Term Bull Market Rally Will Resume
Women Dominate Men in 7 of 10 Graduate Fields, and Women Are Gaining on Men in All 10 Fields
Not only do women outnumber men in graduate school overall by a ratio of 143 females enrolled for every 100 males, but women outnumber men in 7 out of 10 graduate fields of study, and the annual growth in female graduate school enrollment from 1998-2008 is greater than the growth rate for men in all ten graduate fields of study. Even in academic disciplines like engineering where women were underrepresented in 2008 in terms of graduate school enrollment, the number of women enrolled in graduate engineering programs has grown at more than twice the annual growth rate for men in engineering from 1998 to 2008. More evidence that men have become the "second sex" in higher education.
Global Economic Recovery Watch
2. Las Vegas June Home Sales Increase from May -- "A total of 5,397 new and resale houses and condos closed escrow in the Las Vegas-Paradise metro area in June, up 23.1 percent from May but down 2.2 percent from a year earlier. The median price paid for all new and resale houses and condos sold in the Las Vegas metro area in June was $136,290, up 1.7 percent from $134,0000 in May and up 1 percent from $135,000 a year earlier.
Foreclosure resales – homes that had been foreclosed on in the prior 12 months – fell to 46.4 percent of all resales in June, down from 49.5 percent in May and down from a near-record 70.0 percent a year ago. Foreclosure resales have declined each month since they peaked at 73.7 percent in May of 2009. Last month’s figure was the lowest since foreclosure resales were 43.3 percent of the resale market in January 2008."
Euro Leading Index Remains on Upward Trend
Said Jean-Claude Manini, The Conference Board senior economist for Europe: “After declining in May, the LEI for the Euro Area has picked up in June. While the recovery is unlikely to falter in the short-term, the pace of economic growth may ease somewhat. Confidence indicators have been the primary cause of the recent volatility in the LEI, which may affect the impact of austerity measures on growth in the Euro Area in the medium term.”
After increasing in June, The Conference Board LEI for the Euro Area is 16.4 percent above its March 2009 trough. Meanwhile, The Conference Board Coincident Economic Index® (CEI) for the Euro Area, which measures current economic activity, remained unchanged in June. The index stands at 102.4 (2004 = 100) according to preliminary estimates. It increased by 0.2 percent in May and decreased by 0.1 percent in April."