Welcome to the awaited opening of our free KRTT BLOG. We expect to post approximately 2 - 3 times per week during September. Based on our free followers feedback we will decide on our longer-term BLOG activity at a later date.
The following is a sample of an actual KRTT Market Advisory Service to our paid KRTT clients with slightly less content...........
Good evening traders,
Our KRTT Shadow Trading Product (STP) this evening is very short and mainly by way of exhibits with our usual mark-up comments (see below).
The NYSE had a very positive rally today after the President’s speech last night.
More important, is that the UP move came in the vicinity of a significant Natural Law time cycle cluster (as we have been describing) – and as the last few trading sessions were very range bound a break one way or the other – was due.
Although one day UP is too soon to call an all out rally and all clear for some trend traders, technical confirmation today was given by both the LRC channel break, large breakout bars, and the sharp pickup of new highs on the NYSE.
On the more cautious side until further confirmation can be detected – the very important NYSE EOD (end of day) TICK (that KRTT uses for ST timing) is still too close to neutral to act as confirmation.
We will therefore watch the intra-day TICK tomorrow. Crossing the neutral line up is a BUY SIGNAL.
One other thing that we will add, – is that we had some minor detectable evidence that potentially the plunge protection teams of both Canada and the USA became active.
This of course will not be ever confirmed, but we are watching closely for more evidence as in recent months the Plunge Protection Team (PPT) was clearly NOT visible.
Perhaps the biggest forensic clue in our view, for a more sustainable medium term rally in the SP500 index – will be the taking out of the SP 500 1100 level (technically 1100 – 1104).
We will explain this aspect in more detail in our next RT update.
As for key historically low stocks – such a many of those in our STP – this is an ideal time to buy or further accumulate, but realize that not all stocks bottom on the same time cycle.
By example, we updated our cycle data today for Tembec (TSX:TMB - as our KRTT Trade of the Year) and found that Tembec should stay low for one or two more days – but, we expect it to break UP sometime next week.
We are simply reiterating our very positive Tembec outlook and suggest that those wishing to buy near these lows – should do so soon.
We hope to have a detailed RT update out not later then over the long weekend.
The attached view of famous economist Robert Shiller has some interesting aspects (especially for Real Estate owners).
As we have taught many times at KRTT – timing such events (assuming they do come true) is seldom done successfully by economists.
Our KRTT perspective is that more evidence would be needed – so his thoughts and analysis even if correct is still likely months away (2011).
See the attached exhibits for higher quality graphics.
Our best regards,
James A. Kelly, President
Kelly Research Training and Technology
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