Hello all,
Today we have shown you the chart with the important trend lines that are now "in play" on the all important bellwether SP500 index.
Is the SP500 index important - even if you live in Brazil, India, Hong Kong, Canada or the UK?
Given today's closely knit and inter-dependent global economy, international money flows, currency valuations, trade-weighted economies, and further in accordance with Natural Law; the SP500 index, which portrays the general equity health in the world's largest economy is also correlated to the health of the primary index in your own country.
So what do the trend lines say?
We have included some noteworthy KRTT educational mark-up comments on the chart which should help you decide.
The markets follow trends and exact cycles in accordance with Natural Law, but from time to time, they become inverted or mutated by Man made "Upset Mechanism"***.
Is the recent expected quantitative easing by Central Banks in the USA and Japan (and likely coordinated in other countries) a bullish or bearish upset mechanism?
James Kelly Sr.,
Editor in Chief
About KRTT Upset Mechanism Theory...
Our KRTT Upset Mechanism discovery and theory*** also explains via emerging science, why after too much intervention or manipulation by Man himself, (i.e. sub-par interest rates by Central Bankers for too long) financial crashes or even lasting recessions occur. These crashes, are in essence, a summarizing way of essentially Nature putting back into proper order, the proper natural cycle as it was meant to be. Finally this is an extremely important endorsement for laissez-faire economics.
***Should you wish to use, quote, write about, or in any way explain and discuss our herein disclosed Upset Mechanism theory as written, we ask that you please protect our intellectual property rights and ensure that you apply recognition for such theory to Kelly Research Training & Technology (www.KRTT.com) until such time as KRTT publishes such theory, and other material in E-book format. This book will eventually be sold over the internet for a reasonable cost via our web site.
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