Monday, July 4, 2011

Expect Equity Market CIT - Next Week

Hello BBTL BLOG readership,

If you have been following our recent blog commentaries, you might say we are now beginning to sound repetitious.

In a nutshell, we are now very near to the final stages of the bullish run-up that began and which KRTT accurately identified about September 01, 2010.

If you are an Elliott Wave (EW) aficionado, according to our preferred EW count we are near the completion of EW wave 3 (as shown in green), and will soon begin wave 4 down. We have also written some of the characteristics of a generic Wave Four in a recent blog.

Please note that there are other associated EW counts of greater or lesser importance in alternate colors on our charts. These fractal EW waves within waves are usually referred to the degree of scale.

Further, our considerable cycles data that we employ in our forecast, which will not be taught in a free blog, strongly suggest the turn down will begin next week.

The KRTT time targets are next week, and written on our charts. At present, we are still a little shy of our time and price targets, so in an ideal world, we still have room a little more upward price momentum left, before the time cycle roll-over.

However, we wanted to educate this evening about a valuable what if concept and strategy. What happens when things go unexpectedly wrong?

Tonight we will discuss one of the most difficult to manage financial situations - surprise.

As we have lectured and taught in our blog before, there is a considerable plethora new financial news and information overload every day. In this way, the financial markets are truly dynamic and subject to change.

Some are so misled by this constant bombardment of news, that they have mistakenly decided that the markets must be random. Let us assure you - they are NOT random.

KRTT teaches that one should discount about 99% of daily financial news as rubbish that absolutely should be ignored. Further, we educate that, as one of our clients stated, it constitutes an immense financial signal-to-noise ratio, that is intentionally designed to keep incompetent financiers and snakes in suits employed and in control your capital.

But remember, there is always an exception to every rule.

The rare type of financial news that KRTT clients search for each day, incorporates rare, yet highly significant material change. Expressed another way, some news is so powerful that it creates a tipping point.

For instance as current possible example, over the next few days China may float their currency higher, another USA financial or banking scandal could erupt with legal implications, details of a new quantitative easing and stimulus program could be announced by the FED and cause a US Dollar currency panic, or in the worst case, an unthinkable world disaster could take place.

These rarest types of financial news are indeed material in nature.

Again, they are changes that are so potent and so powerful that they financial upset the apple cart so to speak.

As the vast majority involve Man and are about Man's input on the planet, KRTT coined the phrase "Man Made Upset Mechanisms."***

We are discussing this topic for a very specific Natural Law reason. What if Man interrupts, intervenes or influences and thus interacts with Nature and natural cycles?

There always exists, right up to the expected cycle turn date, or even shorty after you initiate your sound plan of financial action, the possibility of a global change that is so significant, the natural cycle that should have happened inverts, or, as it is more commonly called - a cycle inversion.

In summary, Man lives on this planet with his own agenda, and further has the ability to upset the financial status quo. Imagine what decades of excessive monetary stimulus and sub-par interest rates - put into place by Central Bankers did to the natural cycle of recession and expansion.

The economic cycle tried to rest, but was never allowed to rest, by greedy Central Bankers and politicians who decided the economy needed to be stimulated - for their profit. This topic is even covered in "The General Theory" (John Maynard Keynes).

If you guessed that the Central Bankers are thus - the primary cause of engineering the recent Financial Crash, then you fully share our educated view. We do not usually plug the Hollywood movies here on our blog, but we are looking forward to viewing "Inside Job" recently out in the USA.

However, just as the great minds of W. D. Gann, R. N. Elliott, and Albert Einstein discovered and taught, the all-powerful forces of Cycles, Natural Law and Science, will always in the end rule our universe.

Our KRTT teachings of Nature and Nurture interacting, and details of financial cycles and Natural Law behavior at work in the financial markets, essentially will set free, the financial truth forever.

*** Please note again that the above is a KRTT copyright and KRTT proprietary topic. If you wish to discuss or use this elsewhere, you must disclose KRTT as the author. Thank you in advance for respecting our intellectual property.

In the end, those who refuse to learn about and accept Financial Natural Law as the ultimate ruler, unless they are lucky enough to live their life throughout a privileged and lucky era, will eventually find out and learn about nature and science, the hard way.

As one who was very wise once stated, the science and proof is always in the pudding.

Let's just sit tight, and see if the financial cycles we have discussed recently and our blog technical analysis forecast and teachings work out as we so suggest it will.

Then, those all-too-greedy bulls whom arrogantly ignored W.D. Gann and others, may have a little pudding on their faces. The bears may soon be smiling as the win back their recent losses. Frankly, don't bears like pudding?


James Kelly Sr.,
Editor in Chief, BBTL Blog


About KRTT Upset Mechanism Theory...

Our KRTT Upset Mechanism discovery and theory*** also explains via emerging science, why after too much intervention or manipulation by Man himself, (i.e. sub-par interest rates by Central Bankers for too long) financial crashes or even lasting recessions occur. These crashes, are in essence, a summarizing way of essentially Nature putting back into proper order, the proper natural cycle as it was meant to be. Finally this is an extremely important endorsement for laissez-faire economics.

***Should you wish to use, quote, write about, or in any way explain and discuss our herein disclosed Upset Mechanism theory as written, we ask that you please protect our intellectual property rights and ensure that you apply recognition for such theory to Kelly Research Training & Technology ( until such time as KRTT publishes such theory, and other material in E-book format. This book will eventually be sold over the internet for a reasonable cost via our web site.