"As independent thinkers who are immersed in discourse through the innovation of blogging, these economics writers have a unique voice and perspective, and potentially profound influence," said Tim Kane, senior fellow at the Kauffman Foundation and author of the study. "While they individually express themselves virtually every day, we think their collective voice needs to be heard."
MP: Results from the second quarterly Kauffman Economic Outlook will be published tomorrow, and it will include a question that I suggested as a supplementary item for the current survey: "Globally, how serious are each of these issues over the next ten years?" More than 70 bloggers responded to the question, and the results appear in the graph above. As might be expected, the number one issue of concern to the economic bloggers is "fiscal deficits/crises," a serious pending problem clearly illustrated by this chart below from Veronique de Rugy (and these are the projected deficits just from Social Security and Medicare).

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