Thursday, October 25, 2007

Nucking Futs

A word of wisdom "Never hold your farts in. They travel up your spine and into your brain . . . that's where the worst ideas come from." I am sure that is where this idea came from. Just when you think things couldn't get any nuttier, CMHC has gone to the dogs. Yes that is right, our national taxpayer funded subsidy to the banking and mortgage business is doing stuff that is . . . well . . . Nucking Futs.

Latest in their 'brilliant' financial innovations is a splendid no-down-payment-required 'investor' mortgage insurance so that lenders need not worry and extend credit in even the craziest of situations. CMHC gets a gigantic cut of the purchase price at 7.25% to shield them from the risk of default by the borrower.

Why would a borrower ever default you ask? After all our real estate market is bullet proof and prices only go up and we are hosting a two week long sporting event in a couple years and rich celebrities and asians and drug dealers will buy all the property in the province in a couple years with their endless wealth. Why not borrow all the money you can get your little speculative, gambling hands on and bet the (taxpayer funded) farm on some shoebox condos made by drug smoking, ill-qualified construction workers and marketed by a delusional multi-millionaire with a marketing budget so big it dwarfs the construction costs?

That's it . . . I give up . . . I am going to nominate the CMHC economics department, Bob Rennie and Cameron Muir for the Nobel Peace Prize in Economics for rigging an industry that is immune to rational thought and behaviour and is immune to the vagaries of the business cycle.

Hat tip to freako and CMHC for inciting this rant.

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